Member Agreements

For Individual Members


  • Volunteering for at least two work days or member events a year

  • Offering/bartering a skill or service to other members of the network 

  • Attendance of one or more events in the network 

  • Payment of membership dues if willing and or able

  • Attendance of one membership meeting a year


  • Promotion of events 

  • Vending opportunities

  • Access to various member benefits offered by groups and individuals

For Groups


  • Free meeting space for SESTL meetings up to once a month with a 30 day notice to reserve space (if applicable).

  • Commitment to offering at least one benefit to other members (discount, skills / services, event / meeting space, item of exchange, etc.)

  • Commitment to attending one group meeting/family dinner once every 2 months

  • Commitment to supporting at least 2 events a year of another member/ organization

  • Commitment to collaborate with at least 1 other member/organization a year

  • Commitment to sending all flyers and promos materials to our Program Director or Member Coordinator 

  • Commitment to healthy and holistic reconciliation if an issue with us or another member should occur.


  • Fiscal Sponsorship if needed

  • Grant collaborations with the understanding that Solidarity Economy will be taking a coordination fee out of any awarded grant. 

  • Support connecting with other organizations or individual members who can assist with projects

  • Volunteer support

  • Promotion of events 

  • Access to mini grants for event sponsorship, travel opportunities, health and wellness grants, or other programs when available

  • Event planning assistance upon request 

Asks and Offers can be customized to you or your groups needs! Please reach out to if you have questions about membership.

***view the detailed list of member benefits and discounts here***

Member Guidelines

1. All members will strive to uphold the vision and values of the network. This includes a commitment to embodying solidarity economy values and/or pursuing specific ways to embody those values (e.g. developing more cooperative structures, moving your money into a credit union, ethical purchasing practices)

2. All members will strive to meet their needs and services internally through the network when possible

3. All members are expected to regularly participate in activities and collective decision making processes for the network

4. While we strive to maintain open doors towards those who share a commitment to the solidarity economy, decisions on membership rest with the leadership of the network. We reserve the right to deny or cancel membership at our discretion. Reasons for termination may include inactivity and unresponsiveness, failure to live up to the responsibilities of membership, or behavior that acts in strong opposition to our vision and values. Members may submit a letter of appeal to the leadership team who can choose to review whether a denial or termination of membership should be overturned. Members retain the right to voluntarily end their membership at any time.




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